Tuesday 21 April 2015

Bringing your children to Christ... 5 Resources for new Christians

Bringing your children to Christ can feel overwhelming, especially when you are just learning to navigate Christianity yourself. Here are some resources to help you along that I have found useful
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1. The Bible
Yeah this may seem obvious. But maybe you will have so many questions on how to proceed. Which translation to use is up to you, I highly recommend trying different translations to see. I use both ESV and KJV. Apps like Youversion allow you to test out the different translations and have a bible with you on the go.

2. Children's Bibles
I have to admit, The Jesus Storybook Bible is a favourite in our house. My young children enjoy the pictures and the author writes wonderfully. We also listen to the audio book.

3. Audio books
I love listening to audio books when the kids and I relax. We usually have a quiet time after lunch and we will listen to a bible audio book or The Jesus Storybook Bible audio book. I get them from Audible. They have a great selection, also I like not having a million different CDs cluttering up my house.

4. Websites
I have a few links on my Pinterest board that I use for my two young children. My oldest (almost 4) has a knack for memoziation and is grasping basic bible concepts easily (ones that are good for her age) so I haven't used too many crafts or object lessons yet.

5. Yourself
You are the key to your children's salvation. Have them around when you are studying the bible, pray with them, talk to them about Jesus. Be a godly role model!
My daughter recognizes my Bible, she calls it my "Jesus God book." And asks me to read to her from it (we usually read a proverb from the corresponding day. Say it is the 21st we will read Proverbs 21. We also read from the book of John quite frequently.) My youngest knows it is quiet time when he hears one of the audio books start to play or sees me bring out my bible.

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